Ωn: On Being
Lyden av Arktis/Sound of the Arctic (Bare hvitt/Only White. Brefront/Looming Glacier. Himmelflokk og flukt/Sky, Flocks and Flights. Minnemøter I: Fire Arktiske Atmosfærer/Encounters recalled. Minnemøter II: Sjelereise/Soul Journey. Høgtid-mørketid-lystid/Solemn Times – Dark Times – Bright Times. Slåttemylder og fest/Fiddle Feasts. Hymne til det urørte /Hymn to the Untouched. Kollaps/Collapse.)
Symphonic Concerto for Violoncello and Orchestra
For One, For None
Sonoluminous (Invocations)
Opphav (YR)
Shadows' Dreams
Everything is Going to be Allright (Land of Your Love: The Impatient Bride, Riddle of the Twin Revelation, Stenen i Stefanens Pande)
Canticum Canticorum (Voces Salomonis)
Torvund/ Thoresen/Schaathun. Abstraction in Folk Art. (Solspill)
Thoresen Ravel Vebjørn Anvik (Invocations)
Sea of Names (Sea of Names, Stages of the Inner Dialogue, With an Open Hand or a Clenched Fist?, Invocation of Crystal Waters, Interplay.)
Mythes Étoileés
Blockbird (Miranda's Flourish)
Himmelkvad (Opus 42: Solbøn, Likferdssælmin, Himmelske Fader, Tvetrall. Helligkvad: Skap i meg et rent hjerte. La meg næres av din skjønnhet. O du som er vårt liv og lys. Forfrisk og gled min ånd. For menneskeheten. Gud bevitner at han er én.)
To the Brother Peoples (En Broderfolkskonsert, Emergence – Luohti Boa∂e!, The Sun of Justice)
Arabesques (O mon Dieu)
Ragnhild Hemsing. Grieg, Thoresen, Sparre Olsen, Traditional Tunes. (YR)
Dsånki don/Nordic Voices (Diphonie I)
Ten Norwegian Short Stories
Grieg Beethoven Thoresen (The Descent of Luminous Waters)
Chases, Cattle Calls and Charts /Løp, lokk og linjer. (Ovringar. Heimreisa, Mellombels. Fuglar, fe og folk, Hugsviv, Rudlatradl.)
The Silver Chord (Pyr Aionion)
Nordic Songs (the Song of Kjadijih-Bagum. The True Brother)
Mount Carmel Terraces. Official Opening. (Terraces of Light)
Som bølger på ett hav /As the Waves of One Sea (NMH 9308)
Second Tale (Roman for Saksofonkvartett/Narrative for Saxophone Quartet)
Fartein Valen/Lasse Thoresen (Four Inventions in Memoriam Fartein Valen, Arise! Solspill, Stadier I den indre dialog (Stages of the Inner Dialogue)
From the Sweet-scented Streams of Eternity (From the Sweet-scented Streams of Eternity, The Light that is Shed from the Heaven of Bounty, Mon Dieu, mon Adoré! The Tablet of the Holy Mariner, Yá Káfi, Yá Shafi! The Long Healing Prayer)
The Sonic Mind (Illuminations. Symphonic concerto for Violin / Orchestra)
Lasse Thoresen: AbUno, Thus, Yr Qudrat
Cantio (Cantio PMCL)
Lasse Thoresen: Bird of the Heart, With an Open Hand or a Clenched Fist, The Garden)
Lasse Thoresen, Magne Hegdal, Gunnar Germeten (The Garden)
Sonic Explorations I
Sonic Explorations II